
Executives United has carefully developed, prepared and maintained the content for the Executives United website and will continue to do so with care. Executives United will use reasonable efforts to ensure that only correct information is posted on the Executives United website.

However, Executives United cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any information, content or data on the website. Executives United is not liable for damage resulting from reliance on information provided. The content of this website is subject to change without notice. Executives United accepts no liability for loss or damage arising from reliance on any statements made on this website.

The information provided on this website is given, expressly or otherwise, without warranty of any kind.

Executives United makes reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources that Executives United believes to be reliable, but makes no representation that the information or opinions expressed on the website or links to the website are accurate, reliable or complete. Executives United accepts no responsibility or liability for information or services on any website that is not under the control of Executives United.

Executives United declares that the functions on the website will not be uninterrupted or error-free, that deficiencies will be corrected, that the website or the server that provides the website is free of viruses or other harmful elements or that use of this website will be successful or will provide accurate results.

Executives United does not warrant that clients will invite candidates for an interview or respond to information provided by candidates.