Executives United global headhunters consigliere consultant godfather cases


Consigliere, is that a consultant?

It’s kind of funny to see how many people have responded to my article concerning Consigliere. Many questions, of course, were whether we also advise the mafia and whether Tom Hagen (famous from the Godfather series) joined our Executives United organization.

Of course you understand that the latter is not the case and that Consigliere refers to a relationship of trust which is built between the executive decision maker of an organization and our Executives United consultant. But in what areas do you engage a Consigliere?

Our Executives United Consigliere guides clients through different phases of their organizational development. Suppose you want to set up a brand new greenfield distribution center in a region or country where you are still unknown, we guide you through the entire HR and onboarding process. It could also be that you want to hire your flexible workforce or that you want to deploy large numbers of temps around Black Friday. How do you go about this, who can help you?

Consiglieres are strategic executives that are constantly interacting with the CEO, members of the executive team, and the board of directors. They are business leaders first who happen to lead the HR function. They understand the financials and are able to contribute well beyond human capital.

With over 25 years of experience working with executives and organizations to generate unique solutions to complex, ambiguous problems. These solutions generate shifts in strategic thinking or cultural change with measurable business results for national and global companies. With in-depth organizational change and transformation, executive coaching, leadership alignment, communication and development, employee engagement, strategic Planning and Execution, team building, diversity & inclusion, etc.

Human Resources in many organizations have moved beyond the back office to play a more strategic role. The prominence of the Chief Human Resource Officer also has risen, with some CEOs seeing in the CHRO a “C-suite consigliere”.

An Executives United Consigliere is a very experienced professional, specialized in everything around the theme people, who can advise and support a client. Independent, knowledgeable, experienced, decisive and working from possibilities and not limitations.

At the moment an Executive needs to make decisions, he needs an independent professional next to him who provides him with alternatives and possibilities based on knowledge and experience. This is when an Executives United Consigliere is called in to support executives and leaders to generate individual, collective and organizational game-changing results.